Effective reinforcement of the earth dam with large pile grids
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HUESKER Australia Pty Ltd
PO Box 593
QLD 4573 Coolum Beach

Embankments on Piles

Vertical Piles with Horizontal Reinforcement
For rapid embankment construction on large pile grids

The "geosynthetic-reinforced soil on piles" foundation system is virtually settlement-free and thus ideal for rapid embankment construction. The soil reinforcement for the soft ground is provided by a combination of vertical loadbearing elements, i.e. piles, and earthworks reinforced by Fortrac geogrids. The geogrids provide for the formation and long-term stabilisation of a soil arch above the piles, even with large pile grids. At the same time, they ensure the low-settlement transmission of loads to the deeper foundation horizon, thereby eliminating the need for raked piles at the perimeter.

As no advance surcharging or consolidation times are needed for the foundation system, the finished embankments can come into service immediately upon completion. A large selection of high-modulus, low-creep, alkali-resistant Fortrac geogrids is available for the development of a reliable, cost-optimised system design. Typical applications for pile foundations with geosynthetic-reinforced soil include railway lines, motorway embankments and tank foundations.


  • High structural stability

  • Virtually settlement-free during construction and operation

  • High efficiency due to large pile grids

  • No raked piles required at perimeter

  • Can be put into service immediately


Further information