Animal friendly farming is a
challenge – Lubratec is the solution
With our Lubratec side ventilation systems, such as roll-up ventilation, stretching variants and lifting windows, cooling and ventilation tubes and large fans, you can noticeably improve the stable climate. A variety of textile doors and fronts open up generous supply routes and offer protection for your animals, your machines and your stored goods as weather and wind protection. Lubratec Lightridges and LED lights literally bring light into the dark.
Our experts will advise you on holistic concepts for an optimal barn climate. Lubratec helps you to harmonize animal welfare with efficient barn management.
With our solutions from the field of agricultural engineering we make load securing easier for you. Innovative transport systems with which empty runs are a thing of the past, strengthen your economic efficiency.
The products from the Biogas & Manure segment help you to store liquid manure correctly and operate your biogas plant efficiently. All products meet the requirements of the legal regulations on odour and emission pollution.
With the products from the Silo Protection segment, we offer efficient solutions for covering your silage. Labour-intensive processes when removing the forage are now a thing of the past.
In the Specials segment, you will find products that increase animal welfare outside of buildings while saving you time and effort.
Promotion of animal
friendly livestock farming
of animal health
Creation of healthy
environmental conditions
in barns
of natural behaviour
of farm management
Livestock environments for
greater animal welfare
With Lubratec you improve ventilation, lighting and simplify the management of your farm.
By using our ventilation products you actively contribute to animal health by removing harmful gases and dust and avoiding heat stress. With our doors and fronts you can make your farm management more efficient and make it easier to manage the buildings and reduce energy consumption. Products from the lighting range increase the vitality, activity and feed intake of your animals.

Building on its 150 year plus corporate history, HUESKER boasts a long and successful track record of innovation in the agricultural sector. We offer wide-ranging solutions in the fields of animal welfare, agricultural technology, biogas, liquid manure and silage protection. Described below are our key service offerings that are designed to simplify your work. Please feel free to talk to us about your needs and let our experts assist you with your requirements.
feel-good package for your
animals and yourself.