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HUESKER Australia Pty Ltd
PO Box 593
QLD 4573 Coolum Beach

Roma Airport Runway Upgrade

Roma Airport Runway surfacing reconstruction works consisting of profiling, crack sealing and construction of two layers of asphalt reinforced with HUESKER’s specialised HaTelit C reinforcement for effective retardation of reflective cracking and extension of the lifetime of the runway pavement. Installation of HaTelit C and the wearing course were completed over nine shifts across the entire runway, with each shift seeing an average of over 5,000sqm of HaTelit C being installed and immediately overlaid with the wearing course. During two of the nine shifts, the Project Team achieved a coverage of over 7,000sqm per shift with the HaTelit C and the wearing course – a fantastic effort from all involved in this exciting Project. With special thanks to Maranoa Regional Council, AECOM designers, GHD construction support, Fulton Hogan HaTelit C installation and asphalt construction Team as well as our very own Simon Ouk for his on-site support during the works as our Specialist Field Engineer.

For more information on numerous airfield projects with regional as well as major Australian airports, utilising HUESKER's asphalt reinforcement solutions with demonstrated success in achieving more durable and sustainable pavements, please feel free to contact the relevant representative.

National Business Manager, Roads and Pavements - Zehra Kaya - zehra(at)huesker.com.au

Solutions Support Engineer, Roads and Pavements - Simon Ouk - simon(at)huesker.com.au

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